Old Meets New

May 17, 2017

Aaaaaaand we’re back! Sophomore year has come to a close. I am officially a collegiate upperclassman and now closer to the age of 21 than I am to 19—both facts that have caused many existential crises in the past few days. I have to start thinking about my future – possible graduate school, occupations, where I want to live, paying things by myself.

Nerve-wracking, isn’t it? But I’m not going to discuss my paranoia any further.

I thought my personal growth was dramatic my freshman year at The University of South Carolina, but this year was more eye-opening than I could have imagined. Here are 5 things that had an impact on me the past year:

  1. I joined a sorority (which I never thought I’d do) and met some of the most amazing women I now have the pleasure of calling my friends. Before this year even started, I came across someone discussing how falling in love platonically is just as, if not more important than, falling in love romantically. That idea has resonated with me this past year, and has truly been reflected as I’ve gotten to know these girls.
  2. I shed many tears over my classes. Despite hating them in the moment, I can begrudgingly say that I now have skills and knowledge that I wouldn’t have had I not been mostly actively participating in my classes.
  3. I can run on 3 hours of sleep and be perfectly fine, but if I get 8-10 hours I feel like I got run over by a truck.  Time is a manmade concept, and certainly doesn’t apply on a college campus.
  4. I would rather spend my money on concerts and experiences rather than anything else. Especially a good EDM or rock concert. Say what you will about them, but it’s not even the music that I love (even though that is a part) but it’s the people you get to meet and see who are there to find people just like themselves.
  5. South Carolina is a basketball school.

As Kylie Jenner said,


All this to say, this is a fresh start to this blog that I began a year ago. And I’m happy I took the year long hiatus from posting because I have grown in so many ways. I want a different direction from where I was going. I don’t want this blog to be just be about me and the clothes I wear. I want something that engages and inspires and connects; I want to write about music, food, experiences, opinions. I also want to include some of the stories you all have, which is a project I will expand on later. I can’t wait for what’s to come!


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